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IAH Constitution


This constitution was first adopted on the 13th day of March, 2011. The present version incorperates further amendments introduced and adopted on the 16th day of April, 2023.


We, the people of Isoko of Nigeria origin, hereby resolve to form an organization that could meet, and discuss, plan and suggest improvements to our members and work towards the interests of our sons and daughters in the United States of American and at home. The name of the organization shall be known and called Isoko Association of Houston (IAH).

The establishment of the Isoko Association of Houston is an expression of the hopes and aspirations of the people of Isoko in the United States of America. Our major goal is to improve our social, educational and economic well-being, and to foster strong communal ties within the Isoko community.

We seek the fulfillment of these hopes and aspirations through legal means and within the frame work of the consitutional government of the United States of America and conssitent with her constitutions and practices.

In pursuit of the academic, social and economic advancement of our community, we shall responsibly serve the interests of the members of our community.

Article I


1.1 The name of the organization shall be Isoko Association of Houston

1.2 The Association shall be a non-profit, 501(C) organization

1.3 The Association may cooperate with other organizations here in the United States and at home in Nigeria, and overseas with similar interests, or form common cause to achieve its goals and objectives.

Article II


The purpose and objectives of the Association shall be:

2.1 To foster unity among Isoko people in Houston and around the United States of America.

2.2 To promote the cultural heritage of the Isoko people in the Houston Metropolis.

2.3 To promote economic, intellectual, and cultural cooperation among Isoko people.

2.4 To promote research into, and publications about Isoko language, people, history and culture through the use of all available medium.

2.5 To identify, promote, develop and to advance the socio-economic interests of Isoko communities.

2.6 To identify, develop, and coordinate its activities with organizations in Isokoland, Delta state, Nigerian and around the world, for the socio-economic development of Isokoland.

2.7 To assist and support our active members and immediate family members during life events such as death, childbirth, marriage, child high school/college graduation. Immediate family member is defined as an active member spouse, children, mother, and father.

2.8 To promote good citizenship and peaceful co-existence between Isoko people and their host communities in the Houston metro area and in the United States of America.

Article III


Membership of the Association shall be open to all Isoko people by birth or marriage, or by adoption.


[a] All members of the association shall have the right to attend all association's meetings and events.

[b] All members shall have the freedom to express their opinion freely at all association meetings and events.

[c] Members must attend scheduled meetings for at least 50% of the time in a revolving12 month period to be considered active members.

[d] Members must be current in their dues at all times. Members who owe more than 6 months membership dues shall be deemed to be inactive members (unless such a member is known to be a full-time student or unemployed)

[e] Only active members shall vote and be voted for during association elections.

[f] Only active members who have supported other members in their life events shall be supported and assisted in their time of need for such support

[h] An inactive member may be reinstated to active membership when such request for reinstatement is made. Upon re-admission, the dormant member must satisfy one of the following options:

   i. Immediately pay 6 months membership dues in order to be re-admitted to active membership status with full benefit.

   ii. Immediately pay x months membership dues in order to be re-admitted to active membership status with a waiting period of 6-x
  months to receive full benefit.

[i] There shall be 6 months waiting period before a new member can enjoy all the rights and privileges of the association.

Article IV


4.1 The official mailing address of the Association shall be a designated Post Office Box, unless otherwise specified.

4.2 The Secretary shall inform all Members of the addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers, and other pertinent information whenever changes are made.

Article V


5.1 The Association shall meet at least once on the second Sunday of every month. (Unless otherwise rescheduled by members in a general meeting.

5.2 All schedule meetings shall be held irrespective of the number of members in attendance. However, only when 40% or greater numbers of active members are presence would decisions made in a meeting be binding on all members.

5.3 Upcoming meeting venue and address shall be announced at the end of current month meeting.

5.4 Article 5.1 notwithstanding, the Secretary, in consultation with the President and Treasurer has the authority to summon special meetings at any time to discuss important business of the association.

5.5 The Secretary shall remind/notify all members of such and all meetings in writing or other electronic communications media like email, text or facebook at least 24 hours prior to such meetings.

Article VI


General Elections shall be held every two years, in the month of August, to elect officers of the association.

   [i] All officers of the association shall be elected by a simple majority vote of active members, in a meeting where at least 51% of active
  members are in attendance.

   [ii] An Electoral officer shall be appointed by a simple majority vote of the house a month before the day of election.

   [iii] All interested candidates and all nominations for various positions should be made known at the monthly meeting preceding the

   [iv] All elected officers shall be sworn in on the day of the election be the electoral officer.

   [v] Special elections shall be held whenever an office becomes vacant for more than 120 days due to resignation or any other reasons.

Article VII


All Association officers shall be elected to a 2- year term.

No officer of the association shall serve more than 2 consecutive terms in the same office or position.

7.1 The President

  a) Is the chief executive and chief spokesperson of the association

  b) Shall provide leadership and direction for the Association

  c) Execute the decisions reached at meetings by all members

  d) Preside over all association's meetings except at a meeting summoned for a hearing on the removal of the President in which case a
  Jury Chairman especially and unanimously selected by all members shall preside.

  e) With the Treasurer, be a signatory to the Association's account(s)

  f) Initiate, and or, participate in actions with leaders of other organizations in the interest of the Association;Association, its members or
  Isoko communities back home.

7.2 The Vice President

  a) Shall perform the functions of the office of President in the absence of the President.

  b) Shall assist the President in the day to day running of the association.

  c) In the event of the President-General's resignation, removal, incapacitation, death or absence exceeding one hundred and eighty (180)
  days, the Vice president automatically becomes President until the next election.

  d) Performs other duties as may be assigned by the President.

7.3 The Secretary shall:

  a) Be the chief scribe of the Association.

  b) Maintain all official records and documents of the Association.

  c) Be responsible for all internal and external correspondences of the Association.

  d) Record minutes of all meetings and circulate such minutes to the appropriate group(s) no later than (30) days after the meeting.

  e) Perform other duties as may be assigned by the President.

7.4 The Assistant Secretary shall:

  a) Shall perform the functions of the office of Secretary in the absence of the Secretary.

  b) Perform other duties as may be assigned by the President.

7.5 The Treasurer shall:

  a) Be the custodian of the Association's finances and landed properties.

  b) Deposit funds of the Association within three working days from the date of receipt.

  c) Maintain record of all funds received from the Financial Secretary and deposited into the Association's account.

  d) Keep all bank check deposits and withdrawal receipts as well as purchase receipts.

  e) With the President, sign all checks drawn on, and disbursements from, the Association's account(s).

  f) Maintain the financial records of the Association.

  g) File all necessary tax-related and finance-related forms and documents.

  h) Provide an account of the association's receipts and disbursements to members and other parties on a quarterly basis or when
  requested to do so by a simple majority vote of active members.

7.6 The Financial Secretary shall:

  a) Collect members’ dues, fines, levies, pledges, and funds from sales of association property.

  b) Collect all monies due and/or owing to the Association from any and all persons, including members.

  c) Deliver all monies collected on behalf of the Association to the Treasurer not later than forty-eight (48) hours from the date of

  d) Obtained a signed acknowledgement of funds transfer to the Treasurer.

  e) Keep an accurate record of any and all monies received and/or disbursed on behalf of the Association.

  f) Report the status of association accounts to members in every meeting.

  g) Advice members of their respective financial obligations to the Association from time to time.

  h) Write checks on the accounts of the Association but shall not have the authority to sign written checks.

  i) Fully cooperate with internal and/or external auditors of the Association in a timely manner.

7.7 Public Relations Officer (PRO)

  a) The PRO shall perform the duties of the Secretary in the absence of the Secretary

  b) Shall be responsible for all media publications, advertising, and newsletter publications of the association.

  c) Shall promote the reputation and culture of the association by organizing press conferences, exhibitions, and publishing articles in the
  newspaper. Such media outreach must be in consultation with the President.

  d) Shall be responsible for planning and scheduling of all social activities of the association.

7.8 Patron

A person shall be appointed Patron for a period of 2 years (subject to revalidation for another 2 years by a vote a majority vote by active members). He or she shall be an outstanding model citizen of Nigeria who supports the cause of the association and works together with the President and the Executives to uphold and promote the mission, values, aims and objectives of the Association at every opportunity.

  a) The Patron is accountable to the President General.

  b) There shall be no more than 2 patrons in any given year.

  c) The terms of the appointment shall be 2 years; subject to renewal thereafter for up to 10 years.

  d) To lend credibility and high-profile support to the organization, help with fundraising, and public relations.

  e) A patron may be removed by resolution of a general meeting of the active members passed by a simple majority, or by resignation.

7.9 Hand Over

Each officer of the Association shall prepare a typed hand-over note, and shall transfer all documents, correspondences, files, and any other property of the Association in his/her possession to his/her successor or to the Association no later than thirty (30) days of leaving office.

Article VIII


8.1 Financial assistance will be given to active members who experience the following life events:

  a) The passing away of a member:
  $2000 and support of any amount per member.

  b) The passing away of a member's spouse that is not a member:
  $1000 and support of any amount per member.

  c) The passing away of a member's father or mother:
  $1000 and support of any amount per member.

  d) The passing away of a member's child:
  $1000 and support of any amount per member.

  e) When a member gets married:
  $500 and support of any amount per member.

  f) Graduation of a member's child from High School or College:
  $100 and support of any amount per member.

  g) When a member's child gets married:
  $200 and support of any amount per member.

  h) When a member gives birth:
  $100 and support of any amount per member.

8.2 Notwithstanding the provision of article VIII section 8.1 above, whenever an active member experiences a life event, members are strongly encouraged to assist according to their abilities, financial or otherwise.

8.3 Minimum contribution amount for active members during live events shall be based on the nature of the life event and such minimum financial contribution shall be determined from time by the association. Examples of life events and suggested minimum assistance are as follows:

  a) In the event of childbirth, High School/College graduation, the association shall send flowers of no more than $50.00 (fifty dollars)

  b) In the unfortunate event of the loss of an immediate family by an active member, (as listed in Article 8.1) members shall contribute a
  minimum of $50.00 to assist the grieving member.

  c) We strongly encourage our members to buy a reasonable life insurance policy. In the unfortunate event of the death of an active
  member, each member shall contribute a minimum of $100.00 to assist the grieving family

Article IX


9.1 A call for amendment to all or any part of this constitution must be submitted in writing to the association at a general meeting by the sponsor(s) of the amendment provision.

9.2 The sponsor(s) of the amendment provision shall be given an opportunity at the next General meeting to show how and why the amendment is necessary for the association and its members.

9.3 A two-third majority vote of all active members present at such meeting shall be needed to adopt the amendment as part of the association’s byelaws and constitution.

Article X


Upon the dissolution of the Association, the Board of Trustees shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all the liabilities of the Association, distribute all the assets of the Association to one or more tax exempt organization within the meaning of Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code